Jambaree Donates ALS / SLA Action Canada Website
Published in the Press Release November 4, 2020
Jambaree Web Development has donated the new website for ALS / SLA Action Canada that provides patients and supporters ways to connect and take coordinated action in the fight against ALS.
ALS / SLA Action Canada is a new patient-led initiative, formed in February 2020, to advocate for urgent access to promising therapies for Canadians living with ALS. The initiative was formed to provide a collective voice to gain access to therapies in the fight against ALS across Canada.
“ALS / SLA Action Canada launched in February 2020 with the mandate to build a strong network of Canadian ALS patients and supporters to push for access to potentially life saving therapies,” states John Thomas principal at Jambaree. “The new website supports a coordinated advocacy effort to advance access to treatments.”
ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) gradually paralyzes people because the brain is no longer able to communicate with the muscles of the body that we are typically able to move at will. Over time, as the muscles of the body break down, patients lose the ability to walk, talk, eat, swallow and eventually breathe. Eighty percent of people with ALS die within two to five years of being diagnosed.
“ALS cruelly steals the voices of all those afflicted by it,” says Greg Gowe ALS / SLA Action Canada executive member, “By joining our fight at ALS / SLA Action Canada, together we can be a voice for those who have lost theirs. We encourage everyone to join us to urgently advocate for new ALS therapies for Canadians living with ALS.”
For more information on ALS / SLA Action Canada and how to support the fight against ALS, please visit the site – alsaction.org
Media Contact:
Greg Gowe – ALS / SLA Action Canada – Executive Committee Member
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